Day by Day cartoon

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Its the End of the World Today!

Maybe, if you're FLDS and you believe Warren Jeffs the leader and prophet. For the unitiatiated, FLDS is Fundamentalist Latter Day Saints and they are the group that live in the neighboriing towns of Hilldale Utah and Colorado City Arizona. It is the largest polygamist religios group in the country and they are in our local news regularly.

Now they are making the mainstream media with reports that first, they have built a replica of the first LDS temple on the property down in Eldorado Texas, on land that they first claimed was going to be hunting property. And since today, 6 April is the 175th anniversary of the founding of the LDS belief, it might just be something special for the true believers.

Or it might not.

I guess we'll find out tomorrow!

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